"When the accumulation of wealth is no longer of high social importance, there will be great changes in the code of morals.
We shall be able to rid ourselves of many of the pseudo-moral principles which have hag-ridden us for two hundred years, by which we have exalted some of the most distasteful of human qualities into the position of the highest virtues"

( JM Keynes, "Economic Possibilities for our Granchildren" 1930 )

Friday, June 11, 2010

Tell Me That It Isn´t True!

A volunteer or two are required to answer a few questions: The first one, not very serious. The second question a bit more serious. The third and last question , I do not expect any answer … we´ll leave it as food for thought.

First Question: What is the common denominator of the following items?

…Sage, Cardamom, Coriander, Ginger, Jam, Halva, Vinegar, Nutmeg, Chocolate, Fruit Preserves, Seeds And Nuts, Biscuits And Sweets, Potato Chips, Gas For Soft Drinks, Dried Fruit, Fresh Meats, Plaster, Tar, Wood, Cement, Iron, Glucose, Industrial Salt, Plastic/Glass/Metal, Containers, Industrial Margarine, Tarpaulin, Sheets, Fabric( For Clothing), Flavor And Smell Enhancers, Fishing Rods ,Fishing Nets ,Buoys, Ropes, Nylon, Netting For Greenhouses, Hatcheries And Spare Parts For Hatcheries, Spare Parts For Tractors, Dairies For Cowsheds, Irrigation Pipe Systems ,Planter,(For Saplings), Heaters, Musical Instruments ,Size A4 Paper,(Letter/Legal, Size), Writing Implements, Notebooks, Toys, Razors, Sewing Machines, Horses, Donkeys, Goats, Cattle, Chicks….

Shopping list? An annual control of inventories? Not even close ….It’s a partial list of the items Israel does not allow to enter into Gaza strip. Moreover, the list includes “just” products absolutely banned though we should bear in mind that rigorous quantitative restrictions are imposed on many other products as well (such as fuel for Energy Plants that limits the electricity supply to a few hours per day … etc). The objective of those restrictions is to prevent the rearmament of the Hamas militia ( Halva???) and a consequent possible threat on the wellbeing and security of Israeli citizens along the Southern border. Since Israel and Egypt control all the official accesses to the strip, the meaning of these restrictions is obvious (The list was prepared by Gisha organization)

Second question: Can anybody tell me that it isn’t´ true? (as far as I know the Israeli Army or Ministry of Defense did not confirm nor deny the list) . I am serious and would appreciate a elucidatory answer.

If the above list turns to be genuine, even partially, a Third question rises, a question that I don´t even dare to answer: Has someone gone mad out there in Israel?. Please tell me that it isn´t true.

For the time being I rest my case.

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